Sunday, February 27, 2011

Say Hi to officially-future-art-student-Mirna!

YES! I got accepted! Which is all sorts of awesome. I can't believe this four year old dream that's been stressing me out like a bitch all the time and I've worked so hard for came true. Besides, I'm going to be doing things I love for the next five years! I've heard it's going to be tough and stressful, but I vowed to myself I won't fall to it, I'll just keep up a good challenge, and focus on myself and work, and not let jealousy or weakness get to me.


I'm obsessed with Florence + The Machine's song Drumming Song. I think having five versions of the song on my iTunes certifies me as an official addict. So I decided to try myself with water-color and... well....

I really like this one. Except that it resembles someone.... which is creepy.

And finally,

I am fully aware how flawed they might be, but in my defence, each means something to me. :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations (again) on the acceptance my love! It's going to be so exciting and I have no doubt that you will ace the challenge!

    Your new work looks great, I can see improvement each time :) I particularly like the creativity of the first one. I did wonder though what does the blue part resemble? (I mean why is it square and all...were you continuing the idea of a 'drum'?)

    I absolutely love the third one, especially her hair, it actually looks delicious :P

    Keep it up!
